SAM Summit 2014

03 June 2014
2 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

SAM Summit 2014

03 June 2014
2 minute read
SAM Summit

This year’s SAM Summit will be held in Chicago

It is my pleasure to announce that we will be the Media Partner for the SAM Summit, 23-25 June 2014, at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center Conference Facilities.

Now in its 12th year, the event brings together top IT professionals, with 60+ presentations discussing and analyzing the latest trends and hot topics in software asset management and compliance management.

What you can expect:

  • 60-plus sessions in five tracks including panel discussions, breakouts, small group discussions, workshops, tool demonstrations and more. Sessions will be grouped by experience level (beginner, intermediate and advanced levels) and topic.
  • Topics including (but not limited to) audits, licensing, vendor management, IBM, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and compliance
  • Extra networking opportunities, including a special event night 

In the run up to the event we will be publishing a series of articles on what you can expect from the conference; as well as best practice advice on a number of topics related to Software Asset Management. If there is something specific that you would like to see please get in touch and let us know.

Event Summary


SAM Summit


University of Chicago Gleacher Center Conference Facilities


23-25 June 2014


Booking rates are available online

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About Sophie Danby

Sophie is a staff writer for The ITAM Review.

If you would like to contribute an article to the ITAM Review please get in touch using our contact form.

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