How to beat Azure and AWS sprawl?

02 December 2015
2 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

How to beat Azure and AWS sprawl?

02 December 2015
2 minute read
Readers tell me Azure and AWS sessions face the same sprawl challenges as virtual machines or really useful apps

Readers tell me Azure and AWS sessions face the same sprawl challenges as virtual machines or really useful apps

How readily are organisations adopting cloud-computing platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS?

What are the blockers to adopting this kind of elastic computing resource?

I’m keen to know how our readers are getting on with Azure and AWS:

  • Readers tell me Azure and AWS sessions face the same sprawl challenges as virtual machines or really useful apps
  • Our readers are struggling with the retrospective billing of these services – how do I tie consumption on the bill to specific individuals, services or departments?
  • As with any other innovative technology – how do we allow our organization to explore these platforms whilst addressing risks and containing costs?


Please share your experiences with Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure using the link below so we may create independent research for the ITAM Review community:

(It only has six questions and will only take a few minutes)

Share your views on Azure and AWS


  • This research project by The ITAM Review investigates how organisations are adopting cloud computing using resources such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure.
  • All details shared will be in confidence. Your contact details will be not be published, shared or linked in any way to your responses.
  • All insights will be published and shared in January 2016
  • Please note: we hate spam as much as you do, view our privacy policy here:

We’re looking forward to developing some useful and interesting research to publish free on The ITAM Review.

This is a great opportunity to harness the collective wisdom of your ITAM industry peers and learn from the ITAM Review community.

Please share your experiences with Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure using the link below so we may create independent research for the ITAM Review community:

(It only has six questions and will only take a few minutes)

Share your views on Azure and AWS

Thanks for your support. If you have any questions please shout.

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