ITAM Review is delighted to announce the launch of its free ITAD Maturity Assessment, developed in conjunction with Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations, a leading provider of ITAD solutions. The assessment enables companies to determine the maturity of their IT Asset Disposition programs and to identify areas requiring increased focus.
ITAM Review sees ITAD as being a vital part of lifecycle management for physical IT assets and in recent years has seen ITAD solution providers expand their offering to cover the entire lifecycle, not just the end-of-use phase. This comes against the backdrop of increasing regulatory requirements, very real financial and reputational risks, and a renewed focus on making IT sustainable.
The Maturity Assessment covers all these areas and more. It’s a great way to get a baseline for your program maturity and to then come back and check how your improvement program is progressing. Each respondent receives an instant on-screen summary of their maturity along with a detailed report, ideal for sharing with key stakeholders.
“Our new ITAD Maturity Assessment enables companies to check how their current ITAD function compares to industry best practice. The assessment covers key requirements including regulatory compliance, security, and sustainability. The right ITAD program can transform the way your organization manages IT hardware throughout its lifecycle, delivering financial, legal, and ESG benefits, and this assessment helps you build that program.”
AJ Witt, Analyst for ITAM Review
Casey Dingfelder, Vice President of ITAD for Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations said:
“An organization’s evaluation of its ITAD program should be objective and iterative to ensure complete security and reveal opportunities for improvement. Using this ITAD Maturity Assessment, organizations can evaluate the current state of their ITAD program as well as uncover blind spots and areas for further improvement, maximizing ROI and brand security.