This update has been provided by Steve Klos of TagVault:
This year, the IAITAM conference was held in Las Vegas from September 30th to Oct 2nd. IAITAM did their usual great job in coordinating the event and the conference was well attended. The conference schedule was packed with knowledgeable speakers and presentations.
During the conference, John Tomeny and I had the privilege of recognizing the individual contributors who have made the development of these two standards possible as well as enjoyable. John and I were provided time during the Thursday opening session to recognize contributors to the OWG efforts who made significant contributions to the development of these standards and who were in attendance at the conference. We were happy to bring these individuals up on stage in front of their peers for a well deserved round of applause and recognition of their efforts.
(On stage above, back row- left to right; Krzysztof ‘Chris’ Bączkiewicz, Paul ‘Doc’ Burnham, Sherry Irwin , Howard Hastings (standing behind Barbara Rembiesa), John Fulton, Kris Barker, Jenny Schuchert, Heidi Gordon , Scott Lemm, Mary Barr, Robin Trebec, Bryant Caldwell, Kathe Heyer. Front row- left to right; John Tomeny, Barbara Rembiesa, Steve Klos.)
John and I also included a special recognition for Barbara Rembiesa, President of IAITAM for the significant help IAITAM and Barbara in particular have provided to the standards development effort. IAITAM is a category C liaison to WG21, so they are already active in standards development activities. IAITAM has gone beyond that support though and has been very helpful to the development of SAM standards by way of providing the space and resources necessary for WG21 and the OWGs to hold meetings, give presentations and further the development of the materials required to both create and promote ISO/IEC standards in the market. Barbara received an engraved vase thanking her and IAITAM for their support of WG 21 SAM standards development efforts.
Finally, I also recognized those organizations that are furthering the development of the ISO/IEC 19770-2 draft standard on software identification. Through the formation of, Symantec, CA and ModusLink OCS are helping to advance the market acceptance of software identification as well as ensuring that the market has an effective and consistent set of process tools and certification methods that can be applied to any developed identification tags.
The members of WG 21 thank everyone who has contributed time and effort to the development of ISO/IEC SAM standards. Further details on members of the ISO/IEC 19770-2 OWG can be found on the website and details regarding ISO/IEC 19770-3 OWG can be found on the Sassafras Software web site.
Steve Klos is Executive Director at and convener of the ‘Other Working Group’ – developing ISO/IEC 19770-2 Standard at ISO/IEC.