2017 US & Australia conference round-up: 'Very collaborative & focussed on elevating the profession'

31 January 2018
3 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

2017 US & Australia conference round-up: 'Very collaborative & focussed on elevating the profession'

31 January 2018
3 minute read

After the 2017 UK conference in June, we delivered a further two ‘ITAM in the Cloud Era’ events. One in South Florida, US on September 27th & 28th, and the other in Sydney, Australia on 22nd & 23rd November.

We had a great turn-out to both conferences and delegates benefitted from an increased number of end-user speakers delivering informative plenary sessions and interactive workshop sessions.

Conference locations St. Petersburg, South Florida & Sydney, Australia

Event Demographics

US conference delegates came from 37 separate organisations, while Australian conference delegates comprised of 35 different organisations.

Job titles of attendees included IT Asset Managers, Procurement Managers, Program Managers, Software Licensing Experts and IT Directors.

Male to female ratio was fairly evenly split; with 38% female delegates and 62% male delegates in the US, compared to 48% female in Australia versus 52% male.

Conference Video

2017 US & Australian Conference Video

Speaker Ratings*

* excludes ITAM Review speakers, based on delegate feedback forms.

Top 3 rated Guest Plenaries

  1. Robert Scott (US), Karyn Findlay & Roz Bawn (AUS)
  2. Paul Denman (US), Blaine Bryant (AUS)
  3. Bob Stepansky (US), Jeff Stafford (AUS)

Top 3 Best Scoring Workshops

  1. Lisa Hellberg & Chris Moffett (US), Eric Chiu (AUS)
  2. James Milburn (US), Anna-Rita Stanley-Best (AUS)
  3. Anne Watson (US), Adrian Mulligan (AUS)

Some tweets from the US & Australian conferences

A sincere thank you to all of our speakers, sponsors and delegates for 2 great conferences. See you next time!

US Conference Sponsors:

Australia Conference Sponsors:

Our 2018/19 conference schedule has now been confirmed. Click here for more details.

See you in 2018!


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