0 to 25K - More through luck than judgement 🙂
This blog is now 3 years old. Those loyal readers who have put up with my tedious emails from the beginning will know what The ITAM Review began accidentally, grew into an interesting side hobby and then became my full time obsession.
The ITAM Review began as a show home for my web design skills for the internet company I was running at the time. When I first began touting for business with my internet business I set up a few ‘show homes’ to showcase my skills, one of which was the this site. I had just left an ITAM Vendor and wanted to share some of experience I had picked up along the way. There was such a thirst for knowledge in this area that the site immediately starting to gain traffic and the show home soon outgrew the internet business. Three years later and I am pleased to say we recently crossed our 25K visitors a month threshold.
I have been very fortunate to surf on the back of a recent phenomenon called social networking, which means I have spent precisely £0.00 promoting this site and have sent precisely 0 press releases. I’m glad that some folks might find the site useful, thank you to everyone who has referred or recommended my site, for this I am truly grateful. It has allowed me to do what I love for a living and avoid getting a proper job; geeking it up and networking with people.
With all this in mind I have decided to flip the business model for all future research. Since the growth of this site has been down to Google spiders and word of mouth – why put the best stuff behind a paywall?
All research published for the foreseeable future will be published free of charge. Rather than paying for access to research I have charged the vendors to participate, which means all research and reviews will be available free, online and without registration.
To be clear, vendors aren’t paying for the editorial – it will be the same independent reviews – they are just paying for the process. The result is a balanced, independent conversation about their technology.
I will be discontinuing the ‘Tools Intelligence’ subscription for new subscribers. Thank you to all existing subscribers for your support – you can continue to access the member site in the normal way.
Please let me know if there are articles or research you would like to see in the future. All content you see on this site is driven by either my curiosity or requests and questions from readers. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your continued support.