We were commissioned to review Snow Software’s License Manager in March this year. You can download a copy of the review here.
Our review identified that Snow has built a reputation for SAM in desktop environments and has been developing features to address datacentre requirements. However it was noted that SAP capabilities were absent:
“Whilst no SAM engagement is a point and click exercise, especially in the datacenter, Snow Software has the potential to make serious inroads to enterprise and datacenter SAM market share through elegant execution and competitive price. Most current competitors offer configurable toolkits accompanied by extended consulting engagements. However, Snow must educate the market of their new datacenter capabilities. It should also be noted that at the time of writing Snow is not yet verified by Oracle and does not currently offer any capabilities around SAP.”
Today, Snow Software announced they have acquired Intelligent License Inc., a SAM technology company with special focus on SAP Licensing.
Acquisition details
To lay a claim to being a datacentre SAM solution, a provider really needs to demonstrate capabilities with Microsoft, IBM, Oracle and SAP and then to be able to decipher virtualization relationships and hardware configuration. With this acquisition Snow have significantly boosted their datacentre capabilities.
You can download a copy of the review here.