Introducing: The End User Review

24 February 2015
3 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

Introducing: The End User Review

24 February 2015
3 minute read

3911558890_0e07e371c4_zWe are delighted to announce our new, user-based feature for the ITAM Review. The End User Review is a chance for any of our readers to fill out a quick online form to have their say and share their experiences in the world of ITAM. Completing the form is completely anonymous and your answers will never be tracked back so please be as honest and open as you can!


Your Voice

We want to help you have your voice heard and in order to do this we have designed a series of questions for you to answer that will allow you to have your say on the issues that you are currently facing, share the positive outcomes you have achieved within your ITAM project or generally within your ITAM career. This is your chance to tell the world and get feedback on any issues or successes you’ve had. This will also help us understand what issues users are currently facing within ITAM, so that we know what kind of content, events and advice to provide to our community.



Your answers to the questions posed will be used to create an interview style article which, as previously mentioned, will remain anonymous. In order to make this useful to your fellow readers please give as much information as possible, if you post short sentences or one-word answers then we will struggle to create useful content for the community.


Want to Take Part?

The End User Review is open to anyone. We welcome everyone’s views and opinions so please feel free to take part in the questionnaire. The publication will be anonymous, so please be as open and honest as possible.

If you want to take part, please fill out the form by following this link



Thank you in advance for your support of our new feature! As we’ve mentioned, we want to be the voice on the community and provide users with valuable content that will help make their working lives easier.

We also want to help the ITAM community understand each other’s problems. We get a number of emails and messages from people asking if their ITAM estate is ‘normal’ or that they feel as they are the only company going through certain issues. With the End User Review we hope to bring transparency to all regarding the issues faced by ITAM professionals.


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