Enterprise Opinions Cup - Call for Drivers

16 April 2015
3 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

Enterprise Opinions Cup - Call for Drivers

16 April 2015
3 minute read

16253244887_63e798dd14_zDo you consider yourself as a frustrated Lewis Hamilton, or are you more like Maureen from Driving School? Do you like the thrill of speed, the competitive nature of racing and the smell of burning rubber?

Let’s face it, it’s more likely that we’ll be like Maureen from Driving School. We are, after all, ITAM and ITSM professionals, not racing drivers! However, our Go Karting charity event is your chance to take the bragging rights as the fastest ITAM/ITSM professional in all the land.

So please, come join us!

Enterprise Opinions 2015 Software Cup

  • Location: Formula Fast
  • Address: Unit 3, Bond Estate, Bond Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK1 1JJ
  • Date: 29th September 2015
  • Start time: 15:00
  • Finish time: 18:00
  • Event type: Le Mans Endurance Race
  • Track type/size: Indoor, 500m
  • Price: £250 per team (3 – 4 people per team)
  • Duration: 90 minute race + 20 minute qualifying
  • Food options: Buffet – Freshly made Pizzas, hot/cold Snacks & Deserts

Register Here

Sebastian’s Action Trust

downloadAll proceeds for the Enterprise Opinions Cup will be donated to Sebastian’s Action Trust.

Developed from the last wish of a 9 year boy with Cancer, Sebastians Action Trust was created to offer respite holidays to very sick children and their families. The charity holds a beautiful house named The Bluebells in Hampshire providing a variety of luxury facilities and fun activities, allowing precious time to be spent together, away from the stresses of daily life.

All funds raised from this event will be going to this Charity as it is so close to our hearts. It’s for a great cause and promises to be an eventful and amazing experience for everyone.

Book now to get yourself on the inside track and in pole position!


1. Enterprise Opinions eo-logo-web
 2. brainwaregroup Logo1-300x94
 3. ITAM Solutions ITAMS
 4. Sam Charter IMG_0841
5.  Flexera Software FS_logo_2color.jpg-2
6.1E Logo_1E
7. Snow SNOW-SHORT-2
 8. Trust Marque cropped-TMS_logo

Register Here

Image Credit

About Victoria Kealy

Victoria works as our Events Manager.

If you'd like to get in contact with Victoria, you can connect via LinkedIn or via email at victoria@itamreview.com

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