65% have no solution in place for managing Microsoft SQL Server

07 September 2015
3 minute read

65% have no solution in place for managing Microsoft SQL Server

07 September 2015
3 minute read
In a preview of upcoming CCL research: 65% of respondents had no solution in place for managing Microsoft SQL Server. A considerable risk given the amount of money and strategic value to most companies.

In a preview of upcoming CCL research: 65% of respondents had no solution in place for managing Microsoft SQL Server. A considerable risk given the amount of money and strategic value to most companies.

We recently asked The ITAM Review community for feedback on Microsoft Licensing to support research with The Campaign for Clear Licensing. This is an early preview of the results so far.

Thank you very much to those of you have that contributed already, we hope you find the results useful.

You can still take part in this survey here:


Key Findings So Far:

53% Using Office 365 over Perpetual Office

We were a little surprised that Office 365 was the Office software of choice for 53% of our participants. Clearly organisations have migrated to Office 365 a lot quicker than we were expecting, but then again Microsoft have been aggressive in trying to get organisations to invest in their subscription model.

65% have no technology in place for managing SQL Server

65% of organisations admitted to not having any sort of solution in place to manage their SQL estate and licenses. A considerable risk considering the financial investment and strategic value of Microsoft SQL to many companies.

50% have no dedicated SAM technology

The rate of change and innovation in IT means every organisation needs to proactively manage their investment in software as an asset. You simply can’t do this with SCCM and an excel spreadsheet if you are to avoid risk, spend efficiently and move at the pace your business requires.

Have your say

The Campaign for Clear Licensing will present the findings of this research to Microsoft with a view to addressing your concerns and creating a positive on-going dialogue. We will also continue the discussions at our Microsoft Licensing Seminars in London and New York over the coming months (more info on these events here: https://itassetmanagement.net/event/).

You can still take part in this survey here:


About Martin Thompson

Martin is the founder of ITAM Forum, a not-for-profit trade body for the advancement of IT Asset Management.

He is also the author of the book "Practical ITAM - The essential guide for IT Asset Managers", a book that describes how to get started and make a difference in the field of IT Asset Management. In addition, Martin developed the PITAM training course and certification.

Connect with Martin on LinkedIn.

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