12 Box Sample Output

06 October 2015
2 minute read
ITAM News & Analysis

12 Box Sample Output

06 October 2015
2 minute read

A common question we have received regarding our 12 Box ITAM Maturity Assessment is:

“What does the output of the assessment look like?”

I have included a few screenshots below.

In a nutshell, as a result of completing the assessment:

  • Each organization receives a heat-map which highlights scores against each area
  • Each area is then broken down into the competency areas we would expect in that area – For example for the area of Authority – what does good look like? what would we expect to see in a world class ITAM practice?
  • Following this – we then provide specific recommendations and suggested work streams. This allows an organization to turn the assessment into a business plan with action.

12-Box ITAM Maturity Assessment Sample Output


Sample heat map for a 12-box ITAM Maturity Assessment


What does good look like for “PEOPLE”?


What does good look like for PROCESS?


What does good look like for TECHNOLOGY?

If you have any further questions please give me a shout. You can also see further info on the FAQ and 12-box page.

About Martin Thompson

Martin is the founder of ITAM Forum, a not-for-profit trade body for the advancement of IT Asset Management.

He is also the author of the book "Practical ITAM - The essential guide for IT Asset Managers", a book that describes how to get started and make a difference in the field of IT Asset Management. In addition, Martin developed the PITAM training course and certification.

Connect with Martin on LinkedIn.

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