In this video, Patrick de Veer of b.lay describes what exactly the Adobe Cloud is, recommends some techniques for end users when negotiating with them and how to keep up with the pace of their audits.
Patrick will be speaking on day 2 at both our UK and USA conferences this year covering Adobe Audit Defence.
Plenary: On-Premise software is dead, long live Cloud!?!
Adobe was one of the first major software publishers to go cold turkey on perpetual licensing. Creative Cloud was announced in 2011 and starting 2013 no new versions of Creative Suite were released anymore. Customers therefore are only able to use the creative products via Creative Cloud. For the early adopters in the Enterprise market many questions will arise this year, as the first Cloud agreements will be coming up for renewal.
Most companies have ‘legacy’ on premise software and Adobe Cloud subscriptions at the same time. What does this mean for them and how do they best navigate the Adobe licensing rules? Are they prepared to understand Adobe’s current compliance activities and know how to respond to them?
During this session, Patrick will give you insights in the current challenges large organizations with a mix of on premise licenses and Cloud subscriptions face. Where can you find your entitlement? What do you need to distinguish between different installations? And how can this all help to plan your future Adobe software usage?