This article provides a debrief on our 2016 conferences and a call for speakers for our 2017 conferences. To register your interest in attending our conferences in 2017 please complete this form.
September and October this year saw the first ever ITAM Review conferences at USF St. Pete’s, Florida, USA and Twickenham Stadium, London, UK. I would like to send a sincere thank you to our sponsors, speakers, delegates and readers for making them such a success. They were fun to deliver, we had an awesome time meeting everyone and had a blast!
Our first ITAM Review conferences
It was fantastic to put names to faces after so many years for our delegates and speakers, some of which had travelled half way around the world (India, Australia and Japan) to come and visit the conference.
Whilst our speakers, location and format scored well we are of course keen to keep improving and deliver an even better conference experience in 2017.
We collected feedback at the conference itself via feedback forms and also opened our reader survey at the start of October. This has already had over 100 submissions which will shape our content and conference agenda for next year (See ITAM Review reader survey).
Richard Spithoven from b.lay leading a Oracle audit defence role play session with volunteer Colin Simmons.
There has been lots of encouraging feedback (e.g. “Keep doing what you are doing”) but also some constructive feedback on approaches and topics to explore. In particular, the workshops were as popular as ever, but we’ll be working on ways to give these more structure and perhaps make them longer to allow deep discussion and around particular topics. I found some of the workshops seemed to finish just as they were beginning to get started!
In terms of our speakers:
I particularly enjoyed the session from Brian Ross at Veritas on the vendor’s perspective on audit defence and noticed, with Brian and other’s sessions, the emergence of a new maturity of audit defence, that of audit prevention (See image below). I look forward to digging into this in more detail in 2017.
Another interesting perspective from our US audience, when digging into the results of our 12 box maturity assessments, was that any ITAM maturity is a by-product of ITSM maturity. Again, something I look forward to digging into in 2017.
Brian Ross of @veritastechllc gives us the vendor's perspective #auditdefense #itamrconference
— The ITAM Review (@itamreview) September 20, 2016
"The tone of the first meeting with vendors in an audit determines the journey and outcome" Brian Ross #ITAMRconference
— The ITAM Review (@itamreview) October 5, 2016
USA conference speakers, St. Pete’s Beach, 19th-20th September 2016
UK conference speakers, Twickenham Rugby Stadium, 4th and 5th October 2016.
All presentations are available on Slideshare here:
USA Sponsors:
UK Sponsors:
Do you have a success story or opinion to share? Do you want to get on your soap box and raise your profile with The ITAM Review audience? We want to hear from worldwide ITAM professionals who want to speak at our conferences in UK, USA and Australia (Note: There is a separate call for speakers form for our Dutch conference here).
Closing date: 28th February 2017
Call for speakers submission form:
Our wish list is based on reader feedback. This list applies to our conferences, webinars and contributed articles for 2017.
Cloud based topics
Hardware Asset Management
Call for speakers submission form:
Last, but by no means least, thank you to the rock star team Glenn, Karen and Victoria who pulled it all together and who have been a pleasure to work with (Left to right: Myself, Karen, Glenn and Victoria). I look forward to smashing it with you in 2017!
That's all folks!Thanks to all of our delegates, speakers and sponsors for attending our #ITAMRconference. It's been emotional
— The ITAM Review (@itamreview) October 5, 2016