I am excited to announce my appointment as editor of The ITAM Review. Those of you who already know me may be surprised to see me this side of the editor’s desk. I am joining The ITAM Review from the PR side – or “The Dark Side” – as some would say. In fact, I’ve been pitching my clients to Martin for over a decade now, so to say it feels odd to be the one receiving pitches for a change is an understatement.
Having worked with a wide range of different B2B technology companies over the years – from software companies to consultancies, telcos and more – I can’t think of a time when I haven’t been working with the ITAM sector in some way or another.
I am working as editor on a part-time basis, while continuing to run my PR agency, Spartan PR, for the other half of the week. Outside of these roles, my other interests are property development, cycling, running and gaming. Recently I’ve also become a dab hand at DIY, having completed the bulk of our basement conversion myself. I’d happily speak at length about any of these topics, so it’s best not to bring them up in conversation if you value your time…
I have three children, a dog, a cockatiel, as well as the occasional weird “pet”; the most recent being a rather plump and clumsy wood pigeon called Pedro who spent a few happy months sitting above the kitchen cupboards, and occasionally dive bombing you whenever it felt like it. You can ask my wife for more details as to how that came about. I’m still at a loss…
I’m looking forward to getting to know our readers and to play my part in supporting and growing the fantastic resource that The ITAM Review is to so many.
Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or email me at george.wright@itassetmanagement.net