A few weeks ago Rich stumbled upon this LinkedIn post and video by Jitendra Desale, Software Asset Manager at RealPage Inc..
Click here to read the full LinkedIn post
Is this the most amazing / unexpected SAM-related LinkedIn post you’ve ever seen?
We simply had to reach out to Jitendra to find out more. Below is a transcript of our conversation:
Yes, this is permanent. It is my first and only tattoo in my life.
I have total 9 years of experience in the SAM industry.
Really good question! I have seen many people’s tattoo designs on their body, and they often involve their loved one’s names, pictures, art they like etc. I decided I wanted a tattoo but wanted to do something original, so I spent the last year thinking of an original tattoo design. I searched a lot and even my wife helped me to find a tattoo design, but I was not happy with the designs out there. And one day I realised people design tattoos to show other people their fashion and style. One day I was sat with my five-year old son, and he asked me to play with him. He said to me, do you only know about the SAM? Do you know anything apart from SAM, Licenses, Audit, Compliance and Reports? And lastly he said the most important thing – SAM is your Passion! At that moment I realised my one and only love is SAM. So I have decided to go with my passion, my dream and my life. i.e. SAM. So on the 8th June 2023 I had a SAM tattoo drawn on my left hand.
In my life I love SAM because this is the domain that has helped me to grow, which gives me identity in the ITAM family. This is the domain that helped me to save costs and teach me how to deal with people. In my free times even on Saturday and Sunday, I used to read articles on SAM.
Yes , this is my first Tattoo in my life.
To be honest I’m not sure yet. I am just trying to explore FinOps myself, but don’t have any hands-on experience yet [George – pun alert!].
Now is the time to throw this out to the community. Is Jitendra really the first person in the world to get a SAM tattoo? Or are there others out there? If you also have a SAM tattoo, you know what to do.