It’s Your Ship: Two weeks to Vegas FinOps event with Mike Abrashoff

29 August 2023
4 minute read
Best practice

It’s Your Ship: Two weeks to Vegas FinOps event with Mike Abrashoff

29 August 2023
4 minute read

Mike Abrashoff, former Navy Commander and bestselling author, now confirmed as speaker

It is just two weeks to go until our “ITAM & FinOps: How to win big” event kicks off in Las Vegas, Nevada, and we are pleased to confirm that Former Navy Commander of the USS Benfold Mike Abrashoff, and author of the New York Times Bestseller It’s Your Ship, has been confirmed as a guest speaker.

Vegas FinOps event with the ITAM Review. Mike Abrashoff as guest speaker.

Mike Abrashoff is at the centre of one of the most remarkable modern-day stories of organisational transformation, marking him out as a perfect speaker for ITAM professionals that are looking to transform in the wake of FinOps.

At the age of just 36, he became the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific fleet when he was selected to Command the USS Benfold – one of the worst performing ships in the Navy. The challenges of this underachieving destroyer were staggering, with low morale and the highest turnover rate in the Navy. Few thought the ship could improve. Yet just 12 months later it was ranked #1 in performance – using the same crew. How did Mike do it? By replacing command and control leadership with commitment and cohesion. The lesson was clear: Leadership matters and culture is everything.

Since leaving the Navy, Mike has worked with over 1,200 organizations instilling leadership initiatives at every level – achieving phenomenal change in unexpected places. Mike’s first book, It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy, is a New York Times Bestseller, having sold over 1.2 million copies.

Don’t gamble on FinOps: Go to Vegas event instead

How to win big is a new, one-day conference taking place on Tuesday, September 12th at the Park MGM, Las Vegas. The aim of the event is to help ITAM professionals define, build, and support next-generation cost optimisation processes across every environment; on-premises, hybrid, and cloud.

The event will explore how and where ITAM and FinOps align in terms of processes and goals, consider best practices that can be shared across both disciplines, and how these can be implemented within organisations of all shapes and sizes.

How can ITAM win big by achieving its current on-premises goals whilst also extending our knowledge, influence, and expertise into the cloud? Attend the event to find out.

FinOps and ITAM: Better together at Vegas event

In addition to Mike’s talk, we will have a brilliant keynote from two leading figures on both sides of ITAM and FinOps.

“The strategic alliance of ITAM + FinOps” will be hosted by Ron Brill, Chairman of Anglepoint and Chair of the ISO Working Group for ITAM, and Rob Martin, FinOps Principal at the FinOps Foundation

Between them they will provide insights into ITAM’s role in managing IT assets and ensuring compliance, cost optimization, and risk mitigation, and highlighting the significance of FinOps in optimizing cloud costs and enhancing financial transparency.

Together, they will emphasise the shared challenges faced by organisations and the transformative benefits achieved through the integration of ITAM and FinOps, inspiring attendees to foster collaboration, drive operational efficiency, and improve financial governance within their organisations.

About George Wright

George is the editor of The ITAM Review and director of Spartan PR, a tech-focused PR agency, where he has worked with many ITAM/SAM companies over the years.

For story ideas, pitches and press releases for the ITAM Review, email him on

Outside of his editor/PR roles, George invests in property developments and enjoys cycling and running around the Cotswolds. George lives in Cheltenham with his three children, dog and cockatiel.

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