ARTICLE: Why SAM Projects Fail - Lack of End User Support (Part 6/8)
This article has been kindly contributed by Phara McLachlan of Animus Solutions. The ITIL Guide to SAM highlights several possible problems that may arise when implementing Software Asset Management projects. In this series we look at ... -
The Software Compliance Calendar
Generally speaking, you can expect proactive software asset management initiatives from software vendors at the start of their financial year and more heavy-handed compliance enforcement towards the end. For example, Microsoft released the SAM Optimization model ... -
Licensing in Virtual Environments – Six Steps to Containing Costs
In licensing terms, virtualisation can be an untamed beast. Yes, you can save money with virtualisation, reduce power costs, air conditioning overheads and floor space in expensive data centres – but the licensing bill for a ... -
ARTICLE: Why SAM Projects Fail - Underestimating Software Recognition (Part 7/8)
This article has been kindly contributed by Phara McLachlan of Animus Solutions. The ITIL Guide to SAM highlights several possible problems that may arise when implementing Software Asset Management projects. In this series we look at ... -
ARTICLE: Dan Power "Mobile and Consumer Asset Management"
Bringing consumer assets into an overall asset management strategy. This article has been contributed by Dan Power, managing director EMEA for KACE, a systems management and deployment appliance vendor. -
ARTICLE: Ten Leaks In Your Software Management Process
There is only one thing worse than being audited by a software vendor and finding yourself out of compliance – and that’s allowing it to happen again a few years down the line. From a known ... -
ARTICLE: Why SAM Projects Fail - Legal Requirements (Part 8/8)
This article has been kindly contributed by Phara McLachlan of Animus Solutions. The ITIL Guide to SAM highlights several possible problems that may arise when implementing Software Asset Management -
ARTICLE: Agent Vs. Agentless?
I recently spoke with BDNA about the upcoming release of BDNA Insight. BDNA offer some interesting technology around their core IT discovery. Their ‘BDNA Catalog’ offers -
ARTICLE: Six Ways To Plug Software Compliance Leaks
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about ten leaks that occur in software management processes that might lead an organisation to fall out of compliance.