This article has been kindly contributed by Phara McLachlan of Animus Solutions.
The ITIL Guide to SAM highlights several possible problems that may arise when implementing Software Asset Management projects. In this series we look at some of those issues and how organisations can address them using Phara’s hands-on experience.
Why do Software Asset Management projects fail?
Part One – Conflict with Decentralisation Culture
Part Two – Lack of Senior Management Support
Part Three – Lack of Clear Responsibilities
Part Four – Customized vs. Off-the-shelf SAM Software
Part Five – Poor Communication
Part Six – Lack of End User Support
Part Seven – Underestimating Software Recognition
Part Eight – Legal Requirements
In this part we take a look at the role of clear communications in a successful SAM implementation.
Communications is a critical factor in any IT service management (ITSM) implementation project, but all too often, there is little to no communications process.
The importance of communicating with users is to build awareness, set realistic expectations, raise support, minimize resistance and ensure successful implementation and user adoption.
Communications should be a 4-step process:
In most companies, the communications program only consists of the first two or the middle two. However, all four need to be part of the communications initiatives in order to be truly successful.
We’ve also noticed that detailed documentation of processes and projects is not a standard practice by either the internal trainer or consultants, but this is extremely vital to keeping the knowledge within the group even if resources are shifted.
Do you agree? are clear communications critical to a successful Software Asset Management implementation?