This article series has been contributed by Colin Bartram of Vector Networks.
In this series Colin looks at how organisations can drive down software costs with proactive software management.
Driving Down Costs with Software Asset Optimization
Part 1: Extending Audit Horizons
Part 2: Software Asset Optimization Defined
Part 3: High Level Business Drivers
Part 4: Optimization’s Potential Benefits
Part 5: Three Phase Optimization Process
Part 6: Fast Track to Optimization Benefits
PART TWO – Software Asset Optimization Defined
There are four key factors in the ownership, management and exploitation of application software assets –
We regard an organization as having fully optimized its software assets when all four factors are in sync.
About the Author
Colin Bartram is VP Technology with Vector Networks Technology Group. He has been involved in the evolution of IT asset management since its inception in the 1980s, holding positions primarily in marketing and product management. Further information regarding Vector Networks can be found here.