This article is for all the vendors I work with throughout the course of the year. Product Managers and Pre-Sales Consultants working at software publishers are busy and expensive people. They would not share their precious time and expertise if I was reviewing their products in the privacy of my home for my own amusement (although some would…).
This article outlines who reads the ITAM Review, what is popular and how many people visit. The more stuff that gets shared, the more gets read, the more gets read, the more leverage there is to share more…
In a nutshell: ~30K Monthly Visits, Average Visitor, 43 year old American Male managing 24,527 Assets.
Growth remains steady. Traffic has doubled every year. 8.2K – 16.3K – 31.5k.
See also:
Of Social Media Sources, traffic comes from
(excluding licensing guides which are most popular)
* Google Analytics Nov 2009 – Nov 2011
** via Surveys
*** Virtual User Group Analysis of 200 Members