Argos, one of the UK’s most successful and well recognized retail brands
Argos Audit Defence: In this video Danny Begg, SAM technical specialist at Argos, shares his approach to defending and managing software audit requests.
Danny also makes the case for more collaboration and networking amongst ITAM industry peers to share more information about software audits.
Through sharing intel and collaboration organizations can reduce their risk of non-compliance and increase their maturity. Kudos to Danny for sharing his approaches. If you would like to share your approach to ITAM with the ITAM Review community please consider our 2017 call for speakers to drop us a line to discuss options.
Danny covers the four major components to his audit management process: pre-audit, initiation, audit defence and negotiation. Let us know how this compares to your approach to managing audits.
“Argos is the UK’s leading digital retailer, offering more than 33,000 products through, its growing mobile channels, stores, over the telephone and uniquely, through Argos TV. Argos continues to be the UK’s largest high street retailer online with over 430 million website visits annually. Argos serves around 130 million customers a year through its network of 740 stores. In the financial year to February 2012, Argos sales were £3.9 billion and it employed some 31,000 people across the business.” Source.
Thanks to Danny for taking the time to share his view and approaches, I hope you find it useful.
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