In preparation for module two of our 12 Box training program “How to harness ITAM and ITSM integration“, Rory Canavan provides a guide to assessing your own ITAM process maturity. Telltale Signs of Poor ITAM Process ...
In the final process of the month, we have a process that is all too often missed but can be as vital as the audit and reconciliation process itself, and that is the SAM Process Review ...
I had some fun deciding on whether to call this a software retirement process, or whether it should be what I settled on (above). However, the decision to Retire software is taken in a different process ...
I suspect the reason many folks get in such a bind with designing a process to handle software requests is that they try and bundle no end of steps into the overall process, including procurement, testing, ...
We are not yet at that stage with inventory systems where they can tell us what classification or type of server a particular machine is. Development, Test, Academic, Training or Evaluation installations of software should be ...
This is another area of Software Asset Management that often gets over-looked; namely the updating and maintaining of data concerning named user licenses. This could be viewed as another déjà vu moment; insofar as the core ...
Donald Rumsfeld once made a speech concerning “known-knowns, known-unknowns and unknown unknowns” (what a star!) The scope verification process seeks to find out those known-unknowns. Any devices coming onto the network and within the scope of ...
Sometimes within Software Asset Management we become so focused on producing an audit and reconciliation report, that we miss the bigger picture in taking state data and converting it into a tangible business decision. One such ...
Following on from last month’s process of Maintaining a Supported Software Catalogue, we have another process that seemingly appears inconsequential but again, can add great value to the business – and that is the Process of ...
This is one of those “fly-wheel” processes in SAM that doesn’t often exist, but can seriously punch above its own weight. Maintaining a Supported Software Catalogue takes SAM audit and reconciliation data beyond pure SAM boundaries, ...