ITAM news & analysis

Our aim is to keep you informed and updated. Our analysts cover IT Asset Management, Software Asset Management, Hardware Asset Management, AI, FinOps, GreenOps, Sustainability, Software Licensing, and more. Below you will find all of our articles in chronological order, then filtered into four main categories: News & Analysis, Best Practice, Audits and Software Publishers.
  • Software Identification Summit

    WHAT TagVault Software Identification Summit – Agenda The summit is designed to bring the various software ecosystems members together to develop solutions to the persistent and expensive problem of software identification. Fundamental changes to existing processes ...
  • Fake LicenceDashboard Testimonial

    I recently received the following spammy comment on The ITAM Review. “…We are a graphic design company and use software like Photoshop. We’ve found that Licence Dashboard means we never forget to renew our licences! We ...
  • Introducing Martin Chalkley

    It is with great pleasure that I welcome Martin Chalkley to The ITAM Review. There is a real thirst for knowledge and guidance in the IT Asset Management market and we have seen increased demand for ...
  • Three Predictions for 2011

    Three ‘finger-in-the-air’ predictions for 2011. Demand for experienced ITAM professionals and specialist skills will push up salaries Microsoft’s new SAM Gold competency will force Microsoft Large Account Resellers to partner and acquire SAM boutiques and specialist ...
  • Pan-European Conference: Strategic Software Asset and License Management

    WHAT 6th Annual Pan-European Conference – Strategic Software Asset and License Management 2011 ‘Avoiding under and over licensed software to save costs, continuous improvement of SAM, global and enterprise-wide SAM’ The Conference Will Present Case Studies ...
  • Seasons Greetings

    Seasons Greetings to all readers of The ITAM Review. Thank you for your continued support, feedback and contributions throughout 2010. The image to the right is courtesy of an up and coming local artist (My daughter ...
  • End User Review: Audit Wizard V8 [67%]

    Audit Wizard V8 Estate Size.  1,438 (72% Desktops, 23% Laptops, 4% Servers, 1% Other) Reviewer. Tim Heywood, Engineering Systems Manager, SELEX Communications (Defence & Aerospace) Product. Audit Wizard V8 by Layton Technology General Feedback Strengths. It’s ...
  • BSA Fines: The Hidden Costs

    The group behind and landed itself in the UK IT press for all the wrong reasons last week. It was reported that Quacquarelli Symonds Consulting Limited had to pay the Business Software Alliance (BSA) ...
  • resources__foto

    Market Synopsis: Mid-Market SAM Tools

    The chart below represents a high level summary of how vendors are currently scored within the ‘TOOLS INTELLIGENCE’ service from The ITAM Review. Vendors have been assessed against our ‘Mid-Market SAM’ criteria. The Enterprise SAM summary ...
  • Seven Observations From Reviewing 17 SAM Tools

    Here are a few insights from reviewing 17 market leading SAM tools over the last few months. 1. GREAT TECHNOLOGY First of all there is some great technology out there.  As someone who is looking at ...

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